♥ Profile Hello peeps ! :) Do follow & leave your footprint on my tagboard :) Have a nice day ! ^^ Piano & Guitar are my expertise. ♥Beloved - You & I - - Meem & I - - Bella & I - - Xiao Ying & I - - Xueqi & I - - Ying Ling & I - - Syvia & I - - Ah Ben & I - - We & Our & Us - - S1ST & J3J -
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♥Sweet Escape [♥] Adaii[♥] Edward [♥] Gee Ann [♥] Joan Gan [♥] Jun Wei [♥] Mei En [♥] Michelle [♥] Mikiyo [♥] Shao Ying [♥] Su Yee [♥] Tommy [♥] Xiao Ying ♥Visitor Total VisitorDaily Visitor ♥To The Past December 2008January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 November 2012 December 2012
Friday, February 26, 2010
Today is a holiday! ^o^ Song aaaaa~ Don't really like Friday period, damn boring at all~ Wake up at 8am in the morning, Went to my aunt's house, Oh yea, the first time ;D Her house located on OUG. Reached the shop near her house about 9:30am, She brought 4 of us and also other cousins went to a restaurant of Dim Sam [How to pronouns arr? =.=] to have our breakfast. While we were eating, my cousin sister's and her bf came and joined us. Then we back to my aunt's house. I was like wow! when I entered her house. It looked small, but it was cleaned at all. =D Time shown at 11 something, 4 of them sit down and started to play Mahjong. My two brothers and I were sitting at the sofa and watching TV. Luckily ada Astro =.=, abo really boring. And I feel so proud of them, they played from the noon.... until 7pm in the evening masih belum stop. so we just waited and waited and waited. But I had to attend the tuition or not? Then all the uncle aunty say today no need go laaa~~ And my mother also said that. =.= So, I called up Meem to tell her no need come and fetch me. Failed, but I received a msg from her, so I replied it and told it already. Ahhh~ I've skipped the class for 2 times. 1 more time was the New Year holiday, no class. This February I just went for 1 time only o.o About 7 something, we went to restaurant and had our dinner. we saw something damn nausea. =.= Yuck!! Btw, I haven't finish my homework, and I still need to go to school on Saturday. T_T Went home at about 9 something. Ahh~ missed many shows didn't watch tio . Anyways, Mood of today : 80% Quite happy la ;D ♥ YY @ 4:58 AM
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thursday (25/2) Seriously, sometimes I don't like it, but sometimes, I'd love it! :D That day, after society, SJ came and remind me that today have to stay until 4pm for the practice. Ok lor~ As in previous year, I will leave until 4pm everyday for the practice since January. But then, every time a lots of J3 girls said they can't stay for it. I was wondering why they always can't attend for the class after society. And I've got the answer that day, They have PMR tuition after that. =.= SWT! And from that day on, I'm the only girl in that special groups T_T Gao lat la~ T_T! Blah Blah a lots~ After 4pm, went to canteen to meet up with Meem. We need to color those things. Fed up! I can't found her in the canteen. So I ran up to the 4th floor to have a look whether she is still in the class of her society. But then there was so quiet, and not even a ghost at there. Then I ran again down to canteen. [Now only I realized why don't I use the lift? =.=] Finally found her, It was already time on 4:20 something, She told me that JH can leave until 5pm to colour those things with us. Then We find a suitable place and sit down and coloured it. =) Saw Sze Bin! She came and craps something then walked away. Finally~ Huey Voon finished her society and came down from the 8th floor. Ahaha! xD We coloured coloured. Then I saw TF and Yi Er them, I put down my stuff and walk through them to chit chat! :D When TF saw me, his eyes was so damn big. Cause that time I was wearing my society's cloth. TF:“蛤悦迎你吉他社的咩?!” YY:“很惊讶咩~?” TF:“当然啦!” YY:“Why??? =.=” TF:“因为你没有会弹吉他的Look耶~~” YY:“...............” Sze Bin went back. HJ saw me, he said his guitar just now let his brother took back already. And ask me for borrow him my guitar. Yea, of course. ;D Back to TF there, Yi Er went back, And Guo Le came and join us. TF:“如果我说我会弹钢琴你信吗?” YY:“信啊~ 在这种时代会弹钢琴是很普遍的咯。” TF:“可是我不会。” (His look was so damn 欠打 at that moment) YY:“=.=...”TF:“好啦,我讲啦,我会吹口琴你信吗?” YY:“信啊~” TF:“你确定?” YY:“确定啦 =.=” TF:“可是我不会耶。” (freaking 欠打 look) TF:“K 啦,其实我会拉二胡的”{Btw, GL was laughing nonstop beside there} YY:“信啊~ =.=” TF:“真的? 我给你多一次机会讲我不会” YY:“不要啊~ 组长讲的话我都信的~” TF:“可是我真的不会耶” (Wondering why that time I never gave him a hit? ....) GL:“她真的很好骗厚~~”Blah Blah @@ After that, chat with HJ quite a few minutes. And when times up, I wanna back le =.= But why don't he ended his topic and gave me back my guitar? Keep talk talk talk~ Some more craps a lots! they were waiting for me, Ps Ps lo ;D You make me fed up of those message Could you please stop it? I-D-I-O-T! ♥ YY @ 9:10 PM
Sunday, February 14, 2010
2 月 12 日 生日咯!~~ 哈... 刚好是放假~ 一大早起来真无聊! 就 很多祝福啊~~ 哦对了! 星期四那天超多祝福的啦~ ^^ 那天是挥春比赛, 早上有例常集会~ 就 我们的组长 & 2 个队长派新年礼物啊~~~ 他们都很用心做捏! 尤其是组 长的, 很可爱! ^^ 队长 - 柔颖 队长 - 思敏 里面都有字的咯~ 过后第 1 组的就唱生日歌给 apple,她也是 2月12日的。 第 4 组就 唱生日歌给 学琦~ 她是当天 2 月11日 的。 第 2 组就帮忙第 4 组的唱啊~ 然 后第 3 组咧~ 就唱给我啊~ xD 超开心的,但握手握不完 T____T 太多人了啦! 要 thank Q 第三组 廷 丰、柔颖、思敏、志聪、翠雪、慧欣、慧仪、至 麟、平原、国泐、萤芊、嘉怡、纪良、汶锴、 国琛、荟薏、正念、伟安、富旺、汇洁、苡而、盛杰、舒莞、奕涵、紫筠 其 实跟你们有些还真的不是很熟的说,不过生日歌你们也 跟着唱..... 谢啦 ^@^ 还 有就是 星期三 J2J 的童鞋~ 安琪、佳为、嘉恩、巧媚、凯升、翊乐、业乐、咏琳、子欣、延威、萤芊、安仪、一沁、志康、 子菱、惠雯、欣妮、巧蕙、李敏、欣薇、洁恩、晓莹、敬捷、靖 豫、慧雯、欣霓... 不懂有没有漏掉 ^^ Thank Q 厚~ 还有就是淑芬老师~ ;D [内容不宜啦~ xD] 还有~~~~~~ 有个 lenglui | 傻婆~ 吓死我! 12号睡醒不久,都还没整理好自 己, 用完电脑就站在门口看老爸在外面做东西 啊, 哪里知道突然来了一辆车啊, {我还以为是 mother的补习学生酱早来~} 一个 lenglui 下车, 拿着一份礼物, 面对 着我的方向走来, 我的 gate 又刚好开大大哦!! 她就直接走进来咯~ 我一直 oh my god~ oh my god~ 你真的吓倒我啊~~~ ;D LengLui! 我懂你在看的啦~ 哇哈哈哈哈! 谢咯!^^ 就还有 Fb~ Kelvin Ho Yik Thong Davis Koh Carmen Wen Pin Melvin Coreen Joanna Nicole Chou Joel Lynn Meem Shei Ling Wei Zhe Joan Yan Min Erica Shin Dee 一些认识的一些不懂 mat shui 来的~ xDDD & : Ellysa, Wee Siang, Caryn, Mikiyo, Mei En...... 晚上就庆祝庆祝啊~ 然后就和 表姐她们 去 看戏 看 《72家租客》~ 半夜场 xD 11:40pm 开始 ♥ YY @ 8:58 PM
Thursday, February 11, 2010
要回想一个故事, 是很不容易的咯......... 星期六(6/2)那天厚~ 一放学就换便服` 因为我们要去翠雪 家 & Tesco 购货~ 准备迎春晚会的食物 去 Tesco 的有: 思敏、我、慧欣、蕴凌、廷丰、伟安、 国泐、至麟、国琛 Hmm Hmm~ 我觉得一整天最好笑的就是购物 的过程罢了咯 就我们组是要做炸鲍鱼菇啊~ 所以 一开始全部都以为很少材料, 不用推车~ 全部就冲去 卖菜 那边 然后就选来选去~ 真的很好玩啊! 结果后来东西越 来越多料, 我们的人也分散到其他地方找材料, 伟安就很醒目啊, 不懂去哪里找了一辆 trolley~ 在我们把东西放进 trolley 的时候, 啊哈哈哈阿哈~ 远处,来了一个很好笑的人, 我们的慧欣 推着一辆超小辆的 trolley 有去过 Tesco 的都会懂 对比真的很大咯! 哈哈哈哈哈!! 还高二咧~ 我们在那边笑到~~~~~~~ Then 我们就从 Tesco 走路去 翠雪家 那时候天气几热一下啊~ 看~ 他们几勤劳看食谱捏! 我们 的主厨是至麟 & 国泐耶! 男的咯! xD 那个东西真的真的很胃一下的咯! 哈哈哈!~ 你们那时候还吃到很爽厚~ 这些人就是在做那些鸡蛋面包~ 而我们的组长啊~ 就是在偷懒咯!! 在那边和翠雪的 puigia 玩! ♥ YY @ 9:43 PM
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
之前 lock 起来因为上星期六的学长团迎春晚会 update 不完 T____T 因为不懂做么厚,不能 save 在 draft 那边的, 所以~ 拍谢啦! ^^ 嗯... 我打算迟一点再 update 那个的。 今天捏, 先讲一讲我们班的迎春茶会咯~ 时间... 3:05 放学嘛, 但是有数辅的人 4:30 才能放... T__T 所以捏, 就很赶很赶咯! 然后我是站长啦~ ^^v 那个游戏名字够好笑 - 《小心啦,大只佬~》 就是全组站在长凳上,报数后,根据站长要的号码排列新的队伍。掉下来的,扣分!排错次序的,扣分! :D 然后很好笑的就是厚, 因为有些组7个,有些只有4,5个 反而4个5个那些跌下来很多次咯! then 就吃咯~ 这边要称赞一下那个 salad 真的很好吃捏~~!! 呵呵 ^^ 还有就是嘉恩, 听男生说那个 banana cake 很好吃咯 对不起啦, 说要帮忙吃 但是忘记了咧 ... >_< 原谅我~~ xD 在这里要讲一下那些男生咯, 几坏一下~ 很多都只等吃~ 吃完就走~ ............ 不懂要怎样讲~ 最后就是分享会~ 他们一开始就唱生日歌啊, 害我跟廷勇都很不好意思捏~~ 望来望去酱~ Then 就拍照! xD 我想跟那些闲空而故意没有来的人讲啦~ 你们一定会后悔的~~~ 哈哈哈哈哈! 这种照片不是每次都有的拍的咯~ 第一个自愿出来分享的是安琪, 就 bla bla bla , 那个子欣就跑去她的耳朵叫她下一个点 悦迎! 结果安琪反而点子欣! xDD 然后哪里知道啦! 子欣一出来:“我出来就是为了点 悦迎的~” ............................. ............ ...................... ................ 过后我们就分享啊,然后又点来点去, 其中! 坐我旁边那个 - 尤敬捷 让我大吃一惊捏! 以他那种性格哦, 不是跟思远他们走来走去哦! 他竟然一个人坐在那边咧! 不过我问他做么没有跟他朋友在一起的时候, 他还是那种死人 pattern 回答我的啦~ “我爽啊~” 过后这样这样一下就散了咯 是蛮开心的啦~ ^^ 明天是珲春比赛~ 可以早回咯 then 12 号 (Friday) 没有上课哦! ^^ 话说,我的面包虫昨天脱壳了咧~ ♥ YY @ 7:08 PM
Monday, February 01, 2010
昨天~ 去学校讨论东西厚... 只有我、Togi、业乐、光予、咏琳 & 志康 到罢了 讨论大便啦?=.= 到5点多酱我们就打算出学校走走咯~ 哪里知道又下雨啊! 我们就跑去了咖啡店 @_@ 不懂谁酱聪明哦! 整排店只有咖啡店开罢了哦!=.= 光予 & 志康就去巴士站等车了咯, 结果雨一下子又停了... 我们又打算去对面的 7-11 咯, 又冲回学校那条路, 哪里懂~ 一走罢了厚~ 就下雨料 =.= 结果我们又在巴士站等...... 雨越下~~~ 越大~~ 幸好没去对面哦, 不然困在那边回不来, 妈妈一定打死我~ 咏琳 & 己安 还死命讲回得来的 =.= 过后就一直等等等~ 5点下到5点半还没有停~ 往旁边看,看到一个穿着雨衣的人走来~ 很像坏人咧~ 过后才懂是 Yi Jun 来的~ Then A cha 回了~ 光予回了~ 幼稚的 Togi 就玩水 ..... Alamak! 他把拖鞋丢去积满的水那边, 像船那样浮来浮去~ =.= 他回了过后 就剩我和咏琳啊~ 就聊聊聊~ 到六点酱.. 她妈妈来料 T_________T 剩我一个和一个印尼生(不懂谁来的)在巴士站 ... 话说~ 我家星期六那天停电厚~ 从那天晚上到今天, 手提电话在我家范围内是根本打不出/ send 不出 / 更加不能 received 的! 猪的咯! 要出到整个taman 很远很远的地方才能打得出 =.= ♥ YY @ 4:32 AM |