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Saturday, January 30, 2010
灰暗的部落 藏着不能说的秘密 笑容的背后 更显出那暗蓝色忧郁 ♥ YY @ 11:01 PM
Sunday, January 24, 2010
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~~~~ 昨天真的很爽捏~~ xD 早上步操嘛, 地点从礼堂改到仁爱广场, 因为厚, 廷丰讲我们要抢场地也总是抢不赢~ *lmao* 所以下次 7:02 之前一定要到现场~ Then 历史... *今天竟然不会睡捏!~* xD 数学~ 测验~~ 很简单一下两下~ 就到唯一一个下课了, 没吃没下去, 去高一文商忠(S1ACY)找国泐 帮忙准备等下学会活动的游戏~ LOL~ 吹气球~ 我、柔颖、思敏、蕴凌、伟安,还有一个临时来的志聪都很努力的吹捏~ 然后萤芊、汶锴、平原他们就剪线,用来绑气球的~ 合作的感觉真爽 ^^! 到英文节, 上 literature , 要睡捏,读了又读~ ` 物理~ 啊~~~~ LOL! 什么王水啊~ 什么融化人体啊~ 什么融化整个活生生的头啊~ 什么尸体腐化啊~ =.=! 不过很有趣一下捏! AHAHAHAHHAHA xD Then 华文 (2节)~ 原本一定会睡的咯, 那个老师好像不会讲课酱的..... 但是今天写作文 ^^ 所以1小时20分过到蛮快捏~ 差2秒我就写不完了~~~ 到最后的国文节 Quiz Lalu Lintas... 很闷一下~ 那时候跟组坐嘛, 我就坐最靠近窗口的咯, Then 我就偷偷看出去厚~ 瓦老~ 从3楼看去就是不一样呐~ 我看到 2 个穿红衣黑鞋子的女生, 高的很像Ellysa,另一个长头发的很像Serena 我就看清楚现在的时间,然后回去的时候问Ellysa。 哇~ 还真是他们咯! 我的眼力几好一下~ 哇哈哈哈哈 Oh yeahhh! 终于到学会活动鸟~ 今天的活动是各组的康乐活动~ 我们组的地点是在初三廉(J3I)~ 一开始当然就是先分组咯~ 国泐 & 平原是康乐所以不用. 首先,新旧学长各一排, 然后抽签方式进行。 缺席人:紫筠、奕涵、纪良 第一组组员:廷丰、蕴凌、慧欣、柔颖、正念、萤芊、荟薏、至麟、国琛、富旺、汇洁 第二组组员:我、志聪、翠雪、思敏、嘉欣、舒菀、盛杰、汶锴、伟安、嘉怡、苡而 我们的游戏是叫X-Men! 游戏说明: 在2组的成员内,会有一个卧底,即是所谓的X-Men。他的任务是妨碍组内的活动,如在游戏时刻意输掉等。因此在游戏过程中,必须好好的观察此人物。2组有2次机会在游戏后说出谁是“X-Men”,猜错的那组将遭受惩罚。 还没开始游戏前, 我们学了一个很够力,很厉害的舞蹈~ *Roflmao!* 那些动作很刺激喂~~ 这个舞蹈就是在最后的时候,作为惩罚的~ 第一项游戏说明: 每组派2伟代表,每组派2个代表,2人各在腰后绑上气球,目的是用拖鞋将对方的气球全数击破。游戏过程中,2人必须以“2人3足”的方式进行。 过后我们就绑脚咯, 好像我的右脚,和你的左脚绑起来酱 首先, 国琛 & 正念 vs 思敏 & 翠雪 第一组获胜!思敏 and 翠雪的气球都被国琛用力的击破了~哈哈哈哈! 思敏 complain 说~ 国琛身体大,她们身体小~ 所以国琛一手往她们后面就打到料~ LOL!! Then 至麟 & 富旺vs 汶锴 & 伟安 第二组获胜~!哈哈哈哈! 然后就到 蕴凌 & 慧欣 vs 苡而 & 我 LOL! 我跟在苡而后面, 保护她 and 我的气球, 那个慧欣很暴力捏! 结果一直逼我们到不小心出线了~ 出线就输鸟~ T_T 就第一组获胜咯! 廷丰 & (不懂谁) vs 志聪 & 平原 平原原本是康乐的, 只不过人手不够,所以加进来~ 我跟你讲,那个志聪的 body language 很好笑!! 但是他很够暴力咧! 哈哈哈!竟然击破了他们的气球捏~ 不过也不稀奇啦~ 他们之前也讲了廷丰一定输的~ 廷丰的球是最先被击破的~ 他好像很无辜酱咯! LMAO!~ 所以第二组获胜~~ 然后萤芊 & 荟薏 vs 嘉怡 & 舒菀 平手咯~ 最后是 柔颖 & 汇洁 vs 盛杰 & 嘉欣 柔颖他们的绳子绑太紧了, 结果移动的时候不懂怎样怎样, 受伤了咯! 廷丰 & 苡而就带她去不懂哪里哪里~ 接下来第二个游戏: 每组派2个代表,双方将手套带上,目的是将对方的手套拉下,凡被拉走其中一个手套,即失败。 2 人的其中一只手必须搭肩,是所谓的钥匙,一直到游戏结束前都不能放下,一旦被发现,即为作弊。 因为时间的关系~ 只能有几组人玩罢了~ 好笑的是,国琛他们输给思敏 & 翠雪捏! 啊哈哈哈! 然后志聪在游戏进行时不小心被至麟扫了一巴掌~ 眼镜跌在地上破了~ ........... 还有萤芊被汶锴袭胸~!LMAO! 最后鸟~ 大家坐下来,各组讨论 X-Men 是谁。 猜到的那组必须去康乐的耳朵讲~ 第一次机会 - 慧欣那组跑去讲厚, 廷丰就一直看着我们的方向:“那个人不要假假了吼~ 看她的表情就懂料~一直故意输吼~” blablablabla 一大堆很好笑的话~ 可是干吗都对着我讲啊? =.=? 然后我看着慧欣跟国泐讲他们组选的人的时候, 国泐又一直看着我叻?! 结果我们的组也去跟国泐讲了~ 国泐又一直看着我?!~ LMAO! 国泐:“你们两组都猜同一个人,但是~ 你们都猜错~ X-Men 不是她~~” 啊哈哈哈~ 我懂鸟啦~ 原来大家都猜我是X-Men 啦~ 哈哈哈阿~ 我是不小心的咧~ 哪里有故意输啊~ 还有我表情有很像 X-Men 咩? ROFL~~~~~~~ 第二次机会 - 慧欣那组猜我们的嘉怡, 我们猜他们的廷丰! 廷丰:“乘你们还没讲出去前,我劝你们最好改变主意啊~ 不然~你们一定会后悔的~!” 志聪:“至少我们猜得甘愿~ 输得话也甘愿~~” LOL! 国泐:“你们两组~ 都猜错~ 现在,我们请 X-Men 自己站起来~ !” 结果大家就故意做假动作~要站又坐下酱~ 然后!慧欣站起来咧~ Then 大家 BUuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~ LOL! 她才:“不是我啦!” 最后~ 我们年老又可爱的国琛才站起来说~ 然后我们就一直在酸他~~ 国琛:“我隐瞒事实很久了咧~!背负着很大的压力咯~!” Then 发表感言~ 我们两组都猜错了~ 所以两组都要惩罚! 我们必须在全团面前跳那支舞蹈 T_T 康乐准备了2顶超可爱的圣诞帽~ 一顶是 for 我们的 X-men 的,也就是国琛~ 国泐:“酱还有一定要给谁啊?” 我们都异口同声:“廷丰~ 廷丰~ 廷丰~” 指向他~ 啊哈哈哈~ 他又一副无辜的样子~ LOL! 廷丰:“什么啦!那顶应该是想这些暴力游戏的人带的~!” 结果我们还是:“廷丰~廷丰~廷丰~” 国泐:“来~ 大家拍手通过~” “piak piak piak piak piak piak piak piak~~” LOL! 然后 2:50pm 要集合厚~ 我们唯一一组迟到~ 赶去仁爱广场的时候, 全部已经 Sekuat Setia 站好了捏~ 过后我们就团操...... 然后就去新学长集合, 下个礼拜五 29/1 有座谈会, 到 5点 T_____T 文书股集合, 话还真的多捏! 结果第三组围好圆圈一直在等我们两个文书回去集合。 组长廷丰就一直在跳:“快点拉!!~我3点半要回家咧!~~” 偏偏那个馨彦又很多东西讲捏~ 结果廷丰等不及了~ 他们直接跑到中央, 我们也刚好好了, 跟着去~ 哪里知道, 全部组都解散了~ 廷丰一直:“各位学长~~~ 不要走~~~” 只剩电话招亲的筹委在罢了~ LOL! 因为惩罚是全团都要看嘛~ 所以 大家就 decided 星期二 例常集会的时候才跳咯~ 哈哈哈~ 第一次和组内的人那么疯狂~ 照片好像全部在富旺的相机咯...~ 感觉真 song 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~! ^^ 24 of Jan : Happy Birthday ZN~! =D ♥ YY @ 7:14 AM
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Today, was a Memorable -.- Last period is Physic. The teacher was so damn funny! His joke always lame but sometimes make everybody laughing NONSTOP. Everyone wants to get marks. So when teacher asking questions, many hands up and he doesn't know who to choose. SO~ he say every question he asked, have to heard him say : 三!only can hands up. Then he 啊1~ 啊2~ 啊4~ [many ppl hands up] 啊5~ 啊3! Seriously not really fun, don't know why so many keep laugh. After he asked another question, many ppl hands up again. He say: “老师看你们酱紧张,所以就唱首歌给你们听蛤~” .... .... suddenly~! “我从山中来~~” Xiao Ying reaction was the fastest! cause she heard: “我从山(三)中来~~” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! This time, really...........................!! hahahahaha Cause, the teacher looks so sissy~ Today haven't start our society activity, so 1:40pm already finish the class. But the committees still have to have a meeting. So Meem went for it. I went to 团室 to pass up my groups' cards. But still many of them didn't pass up. [Especially Senior 3 , 2 and 1 de kor kor jie jie -.-] After that, I went back J2J, Met Syvia and ShinWei. They decided to out to the shops beside our school, to photostats something. So I follow them. But I say I gotta reach school at 3pm something. Wa.... The shopkeeper, sobz! A ama, photostats many wrong things! We waited at there sooo damn long! Then when we went out of the shops, we realized that, Outside already rained for so long! So, we half body wet already, we shelter from rain under the big big umbrella of a small stall outside HH. We 3 wearing white shirt, and ..... Mine is new shirt. So look not so transparent. But, they two........................ LOL! then wait there a few minutes, Downpour nonstop. Can't back to school even it's sooo near. Maybe, GOD helping us?? Haha~ We saw an umbrella hanging at the fence far away 10 meter there. Then Syvia was like Heroin~ Ran to take the umbrella, She success to take it down , but she too nervous and forget to open it when she is running towards us! hahahhaha! So, her whole body is wet~ And her hmmmm hhmmm look so clearly! *_* I see the umbrella not very big also, So I call they two go back school first, Then ShinWei come out take me again. See, I'm so great! xD! Wait alone there, with a uncle of the stall. Yong Ling was sms with me that time~ After that, we went inside, but part of us still wet wet. T-T Many ppl staring at us. Shame shame~ Then we ran as fast as we can to J2J. Time shown 3 o'clock. I pack up my stuff, they wipe here wipe there~ After 'blowing' for a 20 minutes in class, I took my beg and went to STAR. -.-!! Through the fence outside HH, Saw Jb and many F class students playing bkb there. I walked damn fast. My hair, my clothes, my socks, my shoes... All looks so mess. But I don't care, cause I'm in a rush! -.- Then, I reach the place beside the front door of STAR. Keep calling Yw, rush rush rush! But she didn't answer. Keep call me come in come in. Alllah~~ Ps la k? All STAR's students and you want me to walk in? LOL? then finally, 3.40+ something, She phone back me, and she said she saw me already, she found me, I found her. But, So many ppl come ? ...... 明明 say wont bring~ Frighten me ! T-T Suddenly, Yong Ling phone me. She say Meem is looking for me. Keep ask me where am I? Then she pass the phone to Meem and talk talk talk. At the same time, I pass the thing already. Never look at them much~ 可惜可惜~ In a rush, ran back school. Bus stop there, Jun Han and F class them saw me, they called Jb to see me -.- Then he called my name till so loud! They thought I just back from CC. LOL? I so "乖" will go CC ke? Then ~ Then ~ Then ~ Then ~ * Welcome? LOL! ♥ YY @ 5:39 PM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHH~~ =.= Yesterday Jx came to my class. I gave him the guitar sheets, He gave me all the note he did last year, he said it's help a lot in exam last year. and called me JYJY ....... When the time we exchange the things, errrrr.... [I forgot who are them] They keep saying something NONSENSE~ Hooiiii~ We're 清白的 ok? -.- After school, went the shop opposite HH, to buy SOMETHING~ Look here look there, but can't a satisfied one. All the things at there, make people misunderstanding much much! All love love love der =.= Sobzzz~ Met Wei Yang at there, he thought we were going CC that time. Siao wehy! ~ Then saw lai saw qu, just photo frame Eh Kua nia. But all photo frame also make people misunderstanding much =.= So , choose that one lor. But................................. @@ Then choose the box, but the aunty say there are still a lot of spaces when the things put inside the box, so she decided to put something to fixed it. And -.- the ribbon all look so weird Ugly wehy! But that time I was in a rush, so I say: cin cai cin cai~ Then walked overpass the flyover. Met 元杰 and his friend, with his bicycle, Lol!!! Reached school, met up with Meem at the canteen. Saw sooooooo damn many F class people sitting at there. Walao wehy~ Scare de lor ! TT Then having fun with them, Yong Ling keep say she wants to shock me through the eyes, but I said, your eyes bo Power~ No electric! Ahahahaha~ Then felt so hungry that time, They all ate but I haven't . >< So brought a bread. While I sitting and eat it, Meem say, eh? that boy look so alike with Zk. then I turn my back and see see. ..... Mana tau, Memang dia! -.-!! then I saw (the boy dono what name), F class de, walking to here from there. OMFG! Jx sure behind him! [cause they always play bkb together] So my reaction was like I suddenly saw a group of ghost. I quickly took the bread and put it all into my mouth. [the bread so big -.-] Then I ran to toilet xD as fast as I can. It's better if I don't go -.- Cause when I came out from toilet. The time walking to canteen, a turn, I met tio Zk .............. I was like, saw nobody xD then a turn again, met Jx! -.- That time I was aloneeeeeeeeeeee T-T In a rush, I pack up my beg and all stuff , quickly go out of school with them. ♥ YY @ 4:57 PM |