♥ Profile Hello peeps ! :) Do follow & leave your footprint on my tagboard :) Have a nice day ! ^^ Piano & Guitar are my expertise. ♥Beloved - You & I - - Meem & I - - Bella & I - - Xiao Ying & I - - Xueqi & I - - Ying Ling & I - - Syvia & I - - Ah Ben & I - - We & Our & Us - - S1ST & J3J -
♥Feeling ♥Shoutttts
♥Sweet Escape [♥] Adaii[♥] Edward [♥] Gee Ann [♥] Joan Gan [♥] Jun Wei [♥] Mei En [♥] Michelle [♥] Mikiyo [♥] Shao Ying [♥] Su Yee [♥] Tommy [♥] Xiao Ying ♥Visitor Total VisitorDaily Visitor ♥To The Past December 2008January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 November 2012 December 2012
Friday, August 28, 2009
断了的弦再弹一遍 我的世界你不在里面 我的指尖已经弹出血 还是无法留你在我身边 断了的弦再怎么连 我的感觉你你已听不见 你的转变像断掉的弦 再怎么接应都不对 你的改变我能够分辨 ... ... ... Yea... My guitar string... Broke!!!! T.T 555~~ That day I came back from somewhere, I still haven't notice that it already broken... Until when I'm bored, going to play it, I take it out from the guitar bag, Toiiinn~ 1 string suddenly fly out~ Waoaoooo~ the string already broke into 2, 1 at up and 1 at down...... It's cool you know? xD! I'm shocked, so I asked my brothers, who played my guitar just now? But all of them said NO~ Arrghhh~ Suakk~ Never mind~ But who's going to bring me out to repair? Papa Mama everyday work from day to night T-T But then, brother's Acoustic guitar is harder to play, the string can make your hand become very very very very rough~ So I just can only play the Electric one... But... The electric guitar's cable sot sot lerr~ Sometime connect, sometime disconnect... And, it's so sensitive, sometime no need pluck with picks also, finger touch on the string also got sound, so if you press/pluck something wrong and it is so easy to hear tio~ Haiz... I'm still more accustomed to classical guitar although it looks old... xD!~ ♥ YY @ 8:15 AM Say Bye Bye to 2G and Hello to 3G ^^
Say Bye Bye to 2G and Hello to 3G ^^ Last Sunday, my brother sold it out as price RM1100... Cause we take care it and never had any scar on it... Or the price couldn't be so high, must be RM1000 to RM1050 something only~ And then, Wednesday, brought Iphone 16GB White - RM1700... Walaoo~ Going to pokaii~ Awesome~ It looks nicer than that one larr! very tick~ and I love that white!! The screen colour & the music are clearer than that one~ xD ♥ YY @ 8:15 AM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Argghhh~ Bored Man! I was staring in front of my computer, and keep dreaming !@#$% What the? My holiday life - Quite sucks~ OMg? Today's already Thursday? My homework - 0% Complete Gosh~ Computer, Maths, Diary... All need do it at Eclass o.O Art and etc didn't even touch tio T.T Just changed my blogskins, Added something nice [I think so xD] Whoever I forget to add inside "Beloved", either tell me in chatbox or Msn~ Lol! ♥ YY @ 4:27 PM
Monday, August 24, 2009
Happy Holiday!!! =D
Happy Holiday!!! =D Today went to SMK Dato Hamzah for piano exam Lol... Hmm.. This time don't know why, I'm not so nervous about it... Even I reached there an hour earlier, But also don't want to take out the book to revise... Don't know why~ Just walk walk walk.... Tiooo boom! Why she is here? I saw her you knw??!! I saw her! I'm afraid of herr!!!! walllalalalalala~ Tak tahu kenapa ><~ Oh and 1 more... You know who I saw? I saw the one who always personal attacks us derh! That guy! Waliu~ Damn xxx C de lo~ Examiners asked who wanna passed up the paper, he raised his hand up o! Lol! Grade 1 2 3 many raised up their hand la.. But Grade 4 just he alone raised up~ Grade 5 6 & 8 pun tak ada~ Lol~ Bhb~ Puiii~~ After I came out from the hall, Michelle called me~ Invited me to go JJ.. But.. Haiz~ I rejected so many people lurr T.T Cause I can't go out! ><~ ♥ YY @ 6:15 PM
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
English =O
Oh yeahh =) Guys, my English results, 1st time : 65% 2nd time : 76% 3rd time : 84% Yippeeee!! I'm shocked!! But because of my careless, I had throw a lot of marks too. It's okay... I'm still satisfied with the results ^^ Hmm... Why am I in such a bad mood??? I hesitate... Something I say out maybe it's hard to believe... Yea.. Cause I also can't believe it! What the heck of my mind... The topic between us are going less and less.. right? You said it's because this few days got exam.. But....... I really don't hope every time when we chat, just telling each other: arghh~ I'm boring ! What the! You know? I feel we are gonna finished... Time passed, Fate passed, our feelings... have to passed too... =] Whatever happened, we are still friends... Kay...? :) ♥ YY @ 4:15 PM
Sunday, August 16, 2009
[特别篇] 首先, 我们做人咧,就是要有尊严!! 真搞不懂为何这些姐姐们(算很尊重了哟)要那么无聊,总是讽刺+嘲笑一些小妹妹们~ 哎哟哟~ 我明白~我当然明白那种感受... 唉... 巧蕙无缘无故被她们(J3)骂... 很没良心咯! 哇流~ 她又没有得罪她们啦! 那4个J3的啊.. 事实上,我谁都不认得... 不过!! 我最认得你这个死肥婆 @@ 死TB! 肥到酱还敢笑她?? 你有资格咩?先把头往下看看自己的身材啦! (不是在讽刺肥的人) 还有.. 我也是受害者咧!! (不过不是被J3.. ) J2 的那些 H___ J_ (我很尊重你们咯,没骂出来咧) 我刚刚浏览了一些“地方”... 哇... 你们有够"CHIO"了拉!!! 那么样衰的照片也敢放上步落格? 我太佩服你们了~ 勇气可嘉啊!! 你这个白白长长, 你知道我每次从侧面看你像什么吗? Flamingo!! 虽然你白,但是你让我看起来是那么那么那么的黑唷~ 哇咔咔咔咔! 嘴巴特别突出来 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦~ 请你 永 远 记 得 啊... 你可是手下败将哟~~ 不过讲真的啦, 她们眼睛不懂是挫屎还是怎样哦... 真的很讽刺捏~ 我那一天就都被这样讽刺哦 忍到现在才post出来咧~ 因为什么? 因为我们做人要有尊严耶!! 那天巧蕙讲她挺我,要帮我吊那些女生哟~ 不过厚... 人家毕竟初二嘛~ 高度是输了点啦... 不过不用紧, 年龄不是问题! 高度不是距离! 体重不是压力! 对不对?对不对? wakaka~~ 哦对了,还有一个也是很Yong Shui 的 不懂叫什么名, 瓦老.. 这条也是很够力一下的... 样衰在她们里面中排第二吧! 不好意思啊~ 第一的宝座让给那只Flamingo啦 人家酱BHB的... 呵呵!总结一下, 我今天上来就是要告诉大家, 被人耻笑不要躲着哭, (虽然有时会忍不住) 不过有时哭了也会很舒服的~ 要大声说出来呗~~~ 然后厚.. 自己上了年纪嘛, 就不要无聊到取笑一些小妹妹们.... 这种时代, 你们以前也是被耻笑的 只是你们不懂而已,懂吗? 做人不要做到酱失败~ 唉... 眼睛放亮一点, 不要挫屎~~ ♥ YY @ 10:07 PM
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sleepless nights ``` Haunting dreams
Sleepless nights ``` Haunting dreams Leave me to myself...I’m meant to be alone.... My feelings are bursting inside of my heart... This world has cursed me of unhappiness.... =( I fell into darkness... This game has gotten old, The loneliness has made me cold. ♥ YY @ 9:21 PM EXAM~
There is 2 1/2 hours more(8.00am) to having English examination. and 5 hours more(10.30am) to having Geography examination. Lol... Extremely tired~~~ Yesterday I had Insomnia~~ I can't even sleep though I am really tired... Fall asleep around 12.00am`` Then 2.30am woke up again, Memorize geography until now... English.. Not prepared to study` XD I'm going to fall~~ Luckily tomorrow have holiday =D ============================ Yesterday BC was kinda easy, History............... Almost everybody's blog written as: Going to fail` Lol! Objective part is a bit harder... I think I still can past it =) ============================ Go! Go! GO! Everything will be better!!! Everyone +U~`` ♥ YY @ 5:22 AM
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Let's see :- Dear Tan Yue Ying, I and yi sheng are very sorry about what happened Monday. We really didn't do anything that will make a normal girl cry so tremendously. But, we are still sorry and I hope you won't cry and pull us down to the well together with your sensitivity(jz like my neighbours house alarm). My opinion is be like some girls like Tiew Qiao Hui(the mad hatter who has thick cement wall face and never cried before). Dear Tan Yue Ying, Me and Gee Ann would like to apologize for what happen today though it's is also your fault. Me and Gee Ann advices you dont be so emotional next time though normaly you are not. By the way please dont miss understand, me and Gee Ann are not pleasing you though we apologize. Kindly no offence. Thank you. Yours Truly, Tan Yi Sheng & Toh Gee An. Lol? What are these? Are you sure is just because my sensitivity??? Yea, I am sure I have fault too` But you say until like you didn't have fault? Me and Gee Ann would like to apologize for what happen today though it's is also your fault. translate to Chinese will be - 我和己安要对今天所发生的事情向你道歉尽管它也是你的错。 You said I cry because wanna get attention from Togi? [Though this is not the case] It's not your fault? Why don't you wrote it out at Eclass there? Apologize? I am really mad, It seems like just to tell everyone ( include teacher ) that they have NO FAULT and pleased me don't pull them down with my SENSITIVITY? And this was wrote by Yong Ling` Eh Gee Ann... You've misunderstand to Yue Ying~ You know...After that miserable disaster had happen,someone told me... That person feel sad to what he/her had done... In the back of this disaster,it's not Yue Ying doing all that thing like complaining... She cried so badly is because you and Yi Sheng had hurt her without any reason. Maybe you think you are right but really,Yue Ying have nothing to do with you two guys. If you didn't believe what i say,you can come and find me and i'll tell you everything. 请不要再盲目地伤害别人了。。。 This was wrote by Xin Yu` 拜托那天是我和安琪跟老师讲的咯!!! Whoever interesting in this topic can see the full version at Eclass although it's really something just waste your time` Eclass - J1J 班务 - Bulletin Board - Topic:[我有话要说] - Title:[Regarding] ♥ YY @ 1:10 PM I hate you!
What the !! I hate that guy! Waliuu... Yesterday I as a duty monitor, It was the last period, I called him sit back his place, he asked back me can he changed place with me? Of course I said not. And after that teacher saw it, and Onn Kee told teacher his place is in front there. Then teacher called him sit back his place, after that he incriminate innocent people!! Argue with him, I am so in fire, Got someone let me see a paper he wrote to another, he said, it's okay I don't want changed place with him, But I still wanna tell teacher he changed place with others, and I cried because I want that boy in front of me(Togi) SAYANG me! cause last time the book get tear by teacher I also didn't cried. and said how fake am I... WALAO! I wanna opposed what he said! First, I didn't told teacher you changed place with others, A normal teacher who always come in our class of course know where your sit is! And your idiot move of course showing to that teacher what are you doing! And I didn't even say what to teacher? Whoever also saw it! And Second, I cried cause I hate your attitude, it's not the first time you did it like this! last time I didn't cried of that book? Omg! of course I didn't cried that time, cause that book isn't belong to me! Noob! But after teacher tear that book, he called me to go and see him, that time happened what you also don't know! and now keep nonsense at there! Third, it's the most exaggeration, and is the one I can't even accept! You said I cried because I wanna TOGI to sayang? Omg! YOU ARE REALLY DUMB! Why I want him to sayang? bodoh la you.. I didn't even show to who when I cried, I just put my head down and keep writing something nothing`` Who want to attention him? He so attractive meh? From head to leg, which part so attractive? What reason want me to let him sayang? At last, Togi pleased me don't write this matter inside my duty monitor's report. After that, after last period, Mr. Lee came in our class and told us to clean up our table, cause tomorrow going to exam. Need to arrange the table` Then he saw I cried before... I already act like nothing happened, but my face hot and red like Chilli.. I used tissue paper to cover up my nose, but face bo cover tio~ Lol... then I faster leave the classroom.. Then Lee Meem and Yong Ling go the shop to buy pens` I called them help me too, cause I didn't have the feeling to go anywhere... Then I waited outside the gate of our school lo.. Ah then, Togi and that guy come out, they stand at my right hand side, And so I turned my head to the left, they stand at my left hand side, I turned my head to the right. Whatever, I also don't want see their face~! After that Lee Meem's car come, Thanks god~ Muackzzws!! That's the great time! Then the boys said bye bye, I see also don't want see them, But, Lee Meem say back "Bye Bye!" to them... Then they said: Not telling you lark~ After that I faster go in the car and don't even see them once. After I reached home, I sms and asked Mr.Lee when should I pass up the monitor's report? Cause tomorrow got exam, and not necessarily I will meet him` He told me to pass it up after exam, and he asked me what happened just now? I seem like crying. I just told him I have argue with that guy, He said that guy is really love to stir up trouble, anything he will help to solve after exam` And he called me concentrate in tomorrow exam, don't think too much. Thanks teacher =D [ Lastly, I totally busy until forgot yesterday[10/8] was my dad birthday... Sorry dad, Happy Birthday =D! ] * Today will be my brother birthday, but I am really busy to memorize many things of exam, maybe can't go out with you, ps =D.. ] Tq Mei En.. And those friends who console me :O ♥ YY @ 3:36 AM
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Whhh! Arrghhh!!J2x and J3x change class for the exam! Lol.. I just make a promise last last week, If this time we change class with THEM, I rather don't want come for exam for a whole week`` I rather I get 0 marks for every paper`` I rather failed in this exam`` I also don't want come... And we just got it, we changed class with J3P. Oh, that's great! Even their class was just opposite of J3P, Never mind, I can take that it was nothing happened... But then, yesterday I just get some news from someone, they will change with J3x... What the helllllll!@~~! Because J3x is just beside us~ Waliu!! Perhaps it will nothing happen on that few days, or not may be I will kill somebody` Everyone please be careful. Thanks`` =) ♥ YY @ 8:50 AM
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Chest pain ><
Yesterday when I'm sleeping, suddenly, I felt my chest damn pain damn pain damn damn damn pain~ and I felt hard to breath.... Then I immediately woke up, it was 3am in the morning, and I went down stair to drink some water. But I didn't feel more comfortable after that... Then about 9am in the morning, I felt hard to breath again, and my chest also pain again, that time I was watching movie in front of comp. Struggling for a while, I feel a bit comfortable... After my mum back from school, she still have to taught tuition until 5pm. So I rest for a while. After that, she bring me to Hospital and check for it. The doctor called me go this room and that room and this room and go back her room =.=" First I checked my temperature, and she listened to my heartbeat, She asked me am I a Asthmatic? Lol... Of course I am not lark~ Then she called me to go blood test... I really not dare to see my hand when he pin my blood out` And this was the cotton put on the part of my hand...T.T Then go for another part, to check my breath normal or not` After that, Wait for the result come out lo.. Blood test - 99% normal Breath test - [71] [90+] normal too (Don't know what it means XD) Then we take medicine from the counter, And then went back home lurrh~ Hoho.. I didn't went for tuition... Someone said teacher asked me I got influenza issit? Lol! I will go back next Friday` I "MISS" that teacher so much lerhh~ Lol!!!!! ♥ YY @ 9:21 AM
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Let's see some news!
Lolz!!! Let's see some news! Let's see more bigger!! Waoooo!!~~ Tomorrow and Saturday have no school =D But can't go out also T.T have to stay at home and study`` That's all for now, Got to go~ Bye. ♥ YY @ 4:31 PM
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
I'm back =]
Ahakk! Busy for a whole week. I am back` =] Start from today, Junior 3 got 3 classes have been asked to stay in isolation at home for a week. Because last Saturday got a student get suspected she/he caused H1N1` Lolz! And yesterday those class students have about 30+/40+ students didn't come. J3K__J3L__J3I`` Koliann~~ And so, our mid-term exam have to delayed... Well, it's not a good news T__T Before: 10/8 (Monday) - BC + History 11/8 (Tuesday) - English + Geography 12/8 (Wednesday) - Maths 13/8 ( Thursday) - Whole school rest 1 day for study. 14/8 (Friday) - BM + Chemical 15/8 (Saturday) - Biology And Now: 10/8(Monday) - Normal day of school 11/8 (Tuesday) - BC + History 12/8 (Wednesday) - English + Geography 13/8 ( Thursday) - Whole school rest 1 day for study. 14/8 (Friday) - Maths 15/8 (Satuday) - BM + Chemical 13/8 ( Thursday) - No SChool 17/8 ( Monday) - Biology Arggghh~ This week also busy... Everyday test test test`` F____R~! Anywayz, Good Luck for everyone =] And also the senior 3 students who sitting for UEC try exam` =D ♥ YY @ 4:10 PM |